Essential Urban Survival Skills

Essential Urban Survival Skills

Concerning urban survival skills vs. wilderness survival skills, such skillsets are emphatically distinct yet are exceptionally equivalent to adapt. Most individuals have never thought about surviving residing in their own house amidst disaster. 

Most people think of wilderness survival when to train them regarding creating fire, building shelter, and making their dinner/other food out of nothing when they get stuck in the wilderness.

The fact is that disaster might take over your civilized region, and you need to prepare for such a situation in advance.

Let us take you in-depth into urban survival skills vs. wilderness survival skills as a guideline concept. Before that, we will elaborate on what urban survival and wilderness survival are all about. 


What Is Meant by Urban Survival Skills?

What Is Meant by Urban Survival Skills?

Urban survival in recent years has become famous as the vampire and zombie genres took over the entertainment programs. Many people began to think about how they would safely make it through in case of a zombie apocalypse.

It is an exciting point of view, but the actual thing to fret about is civil unrest, urban warfare, natural disaster, and infrastructure collapse.

A similar scenario was when the COVID-19 pandemic hit people. Many got stuck at home, completely cut off from the outside world, and tried to survive with crucial essentials in their house.

It is entirely a hot topic because people realize they must learn how to survive and thrive at a critical level in their house’s supposed to comfort and safety. 

Urban survival skills, in its most primary theory, refer to getting through tough & dangerous times & events in the developed countries and other civilized parts of the globe. 

Essentials in Urban Environment

Essentials in Urban Environment

For urban survival, the survival kit equipment is way different from those lost in the wild.

One of such things is the sillcock key. It is a 4-way key used to turn the water on to secured water faucets outside. These are not generally found in wild environments.

The top thing you require in a disaster is water. Those who can still run the water from their tap are on the safe side.

If you cannot, you need to know how to accumulate the rainwater or any other form of water and boil them from a nearby source. 

Daily carry gear must involve multitools with pliers, blade & scissors, and concealable self-defense weapons like an expandable baton, pepper spray, compact pistol, or tactical knife.

It would help if you filled minimal & low-profile go bags with numerous items, which are ready to be utilized at any moment. 

One of the significant things you should have on your side in an urban environment is the city map. Cities and towns have a utility grid that endows you with the gas, water & electricity line structure.

The only purpose of knowing them is to solve the issue if such things get non-operational in an emergency.

Having complete knowledge will allow you to strengthen communication, have proper refrigeration, proper sanitation, and medical care.

One of the biggest problems in the course of disaster in urban areas involves that essentials such as water, food, and medicines all disappear from shelves very quickly. 

At the starting of the COVID 19 pandemic, we all must have witnessed what the disaster can do to the essentials present on the shelves.

The general public was not in control, became panicky and fearful-most of them purchased medicine, toilet paper, disinfectant, and water in excess. 

For those who have resided in a city that witnesses storms and hurricanes headed their way, you will be able to understand this even better. Local grocery stores turn chaotic because people immediately rush and stock their homes. 

When individuals are less prepared, they act like brutes. It does not infer that you require stockpiling the essential to make the needy suffer highly. However, it does mean storage of required quantity but not adequate.  

What Is Meant by Wilderness Survival?

What Is Meant by Wilderness Survival?

From surviving the brutal winters amid snowstorms to modern days, bush crafter survival has been here since the beginning of the world. It is not going anywhere despite the world’s development. 

Wilderness survival has various variants. They contain sophisticated survival skills so that people can plan out and stay in the wild.

It involves preparing things like contemporary backpack kits with all you can ever require to build and live for an extended period.

These involve the most simple skills that such individuals consider and learn. Such individuals carry the most basic equipment and tools, and other resources to survive in the wilderness. 

Note that researching & learning about the environment before heading into the wilderness enables you to prepare yourself for anything that nature might throw at you while you are in the midst. 

Essentials in Wilderness Environment

Essentials in Wilderness Environment

This kind of survival generally takes place in remote locations. When all things turn back to normal in today’s world, you will not face such things in an urban environment.

You will require survival necessities in bags. It is crucial to note that you need such essentials if you know you are going to a remote location where you might require survival skills. 

One such most considerable distinction between urban survival vs. wilderness survival is the set of tools. If you are going to the wilderness, you require a fixed blade knife.

A knife is one of your best pals during your time in the wild place.

A multitool is just ideal for an urban survival kit. You would also need a striker and a Ferro rod for building fires.

The bow saw is good to cut through the logs for the firewood. You would need this wood while cooking animal flesh, which you hunted.

Water is also essential, so that you will require a survival water filter. You may even get sick in the wild; thus, a water filter is a must to extract freshwater. 

Observations Regarding Wilderness Environment

Observations Regarding Wilderness Environment

Average individuals can survive nearly 3 days without any water & a week without any food in the wilderness.

Thus, individuals staying in the wilderness must figure out how to find water and search and cook food. A survival kit helps you get rid of such worries.

The biggest problem with survival kits is that you would not want them to weigh you completely down if you enter the wilderness. One cannot carry everything they would require to ease their day-to-day life.

It is crucial to think about what season you would be encountering and your situation as you note down your survival kit list. 

What Is the Unique Distinction Between – Urban Vs. Wilderness Survival?

What Is the Unique Distinction Between - Urban Vs. Wilderness Survival?

The urban environment does not consist of wild animals and vast foliage. It is mostly concrete. Individuals in urban surroundings do not require thinking about their building, a shelter. Mainly they do not require making fire.

They even do not require knowing all buildings surrounding them. They need to know where to find their power sources during a disaster.

They even require knowing the defects and dangers of the other humans. Wilderness survival is just the opposite of urban survival.

In the case of wilderness survival, outdoor activities like backpacking, hiking, fishing, horseback riding & hunting are common, particularly when you require dealing with emergencies. 

Should You Stay in The City or Get to The Countryside?

Should You Stay in The City or Get to The Countryside?

When residing in a city, you will be surrounded by big offices, huge buildings while in case of the countryside, you will be surrounded by extreme greenery around you. The countryside has a lesser population as compared to the city.

What is best in countryside life is reduced pollution and less public and car transport while cities have such adversities in the extreme. Where to reside varies from person to person and depends upon their likeability.

Skills Important for Urban Survival

Skills Important for Urban Survival

Some of the crucial urban survival skills include: 

  • Finding & then purifying water
  • Scavenging & foraging
  • Finding safe shelter
  • Learning waste management
  • Learning to fix it skills like plumbing, filtration repair, radios, etc.
  • Storing survival products like bottled water, can opener, food, concealed weapons, flashlight, first aid kit, folding knife, etc. 


Survival depends on your skills and preparations, whether you are in a wilderness or urban area.

You might even be required to approach survival with a hybrid model if you reside somewhere in the center of the wild and urban development.

Such scenarios must always involve fire starters, first aid kits, mobile phones, and proper clothing

Ensure to train yourself to face the worst-case scenario, so you are ready no matter what it is. Figuring out safety can infer the distinction between death and life in the disaster.

Note always to keep your cool and remain calm, use what you can, and use your survival bag efficiently in a way that you are even able to help others and be as safe to the extent possible in such dangerous zones. 


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